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How to work with a docker image to Minishift repository

docker to openshift

_this is a bit follow-up article to Docker tags and registries

Minishift is a "small version" of OpenShift where all the deployment setup is done as part of a virtual machine. This virtual machine could be managed by various hypervisors. The purpose is to give to developers an easy way to develop applications for OpenShift. Which is why the Minishift is productized by Red Hat as Red Hat Container Development Kit (Red Hat CDK 3). Minishift is kind of incarnation of MiniKube for OpenShift.

Minishift serves as manager of docker containers and anything it works with is a docker container. If you want to start an application running there you need to provide a docker container. There is basically two ways to get the app there. Use the tool Source to image - S2I or get a docker image and set it up for Minishift to consume it. For development purposes the S2I way is not appropriate and we will elaborate on the second option.

Minishift provides a private docker registry where any docker image, used by the Minishift platform, is put into it. If you have a docker image of your desire in the Minishift registry you can start the app. Kubernetes/OpenShift/Minishift adds one more layer of abstraction on top of this which is image stream. The image stream holds a metadata about image and can make "a binding" of the docker image to an application.

You can find out what are image streams available at the Minishift instance by calling oc get imagestreams (or oc get is). The application can be created base of it by calling oc new-app --image-stream=eap7 --name=eap7. If there is created an image stream and application started from it then (by default) whenever you will push a new image to the private registry the application is redeployed with the new version. Whenever you push/pull something to the registry a new image stream (if does not exists) is created.

# creating new application from a docker image centos/postgresql-96-centos7
# the image is search on dockerhub, pulled to private registry and new image stream is created,
# then the app is started
oc new-app --docker-image=centos/postgresql-96-centos7 --name=postgresql-96-centos7

oc get is
NAME                    DOCKER REPO                                       TAGS      UPDATED
postgresql-96-centos7   latest    6 minutes ago

# if there is the image already existing in the internal repository I can start an application
# directly from the image stream by name
docker push
oc new-app --image-stream=postgresql-96-centos7 --name=postgresql-96-centos7

# NOTE: for the postgresql image would start we need to define compulsory env properties
oc env dc/postgresql-96-centos7 -e POSTGRESQL_USER=crashrec -e POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=crashrec -e POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=crashrec
# checking how that was started
oc logs dc/postgresql-96-centos7

I’m using term 'a Minishift application' here but application in Minishift is composed with several OpenShift objects. (By default) one of them is the ImageStream which defines the link between docker image and the running docker image in the Minishift environment.

If you run oc new-app you can check what are the objects being created - see section 'Creating resources'

oc new-app --image-stream=postgresql-96-centos7 --name=postgresql-96-centos7
--> Found image 75740e5 (3 days old) in image stream "myproject/postgresql-96-centos7"
    under tag "latest" for "postgresql-96-centos7"
--> Creating resources ...
    deploymentconfig "postgresql-96-centos7" created
    service "postgresql-96-centos7" created
--> Success
    Run 'oc status' to view your app.

Ok, now we know we want to have an image in the Minishift repository but how to do so. There are two options, I’m aware of.

  • push image of your localhost docker registry to the Minishift registry

  • configure shell environment to use Minishift docker environment and build image with that (inside such configured shell)

Pushing from local docker to Minishift registry

For being able to push to Minishift registry from outside world we need two basic things

  • expose the Minishift registry to the outside world

  • permit local docker to push to insecure Minishift registry

Let’s look at the steps

# starting minishift
minishift start
# exposing minishift docker registry
# WARN !!! : use Minishift version 1.9 or later !!!
minishift addon apply registry-route
# the hostname of exposed registry should be printed, something like

# now the docker on localhost machine needs to get permitted to push to non-https
su -
cp /etc/sysconfig/docker /etc/sysconfig/docker.bkp
sed -i "s/\(OPTIONS.*\)'/\1 --insecure-registry'/" /etc/sysconfig/docker
# check your /etc/sysconfig/docker have options variable defined as
#   OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled --log-driver=journald --insecure-registry'

# restart docker
sudo systemctl restart docker

# tag the postgresql image image as<project>/<name of stream>:latest
docker tag
# it's necessary to login to the Minishift registry. You need to check the security token by running 'oc whoami -t'
# of the running minishift in shell script where oc is configured
# As one-liner that could be done as
docker login -u developer -p `oc whoami -t`
# pushing image to the docker registry
docker push

# at this time the image stream with name 'postgresql-96-centos7' under project 'myproject'
# should be created

# the new application could be run
oc new-app --image-stream=postgresql-96-centos7 --name=postgresql-96-centos7
# compulsory environmental variables
oc env dc/postgresql-96-centos7 -e POSTGRESQL_USER=crashrec -e POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=crashrec -e POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=crashrec

Building image from shell with Minishift docker environment setup

In summary the following is needed

  • setup shell environment to use Minishift docker

  • if needed to get docker image from insecure registry setup Minishift to permit so

Let’s look at the steps

# Starting with the Minishift insecure registry setup
# I haven't find a way to say minishift to pull the image from unknown
# registry via some parameter
# aka. minishift start --insecure-registry does not work for me for some reason
# the global Minishift setup is needed
# (we need to have defined the as default settings)
minishift stop
minishift delete
minishift config set insecure-registry,
minishift start

# now the docker pull will work
docker pull

# Setting up the shell environment to use Minishift docker
eval $(minishift docker-env)

# going to place with Dockerfile
cd postgresql
docker build . --tag mypostgresql

# NOTE: Minishift version 1.10
# the following commands worked for me but I'm not sure why this is not now.
# I expect this being a bug.
docker tag mypostgresql $(minishift openshift registry)/myproject/mypostgresql
docker push $(minishift openshift registry)/myproject/mypostgresql
oc new-app --image-stream=mypostgresql --name=mypostgresql

# another approach is use oc build (running the docker build underneath)
# we will create a new image stream with name 'mypostgresql', this is because we defined
# --binary option - nothing is downloaded, just metadata created
oc new-build --binary --name=mypostgresql -l app=mypostgresql
# running the docker build on the Dockerfile of the current directory and pushing to the
# already defined image stream with the same name
oc start-build mypostgresql --from-dir=. --follow
# creating an app from the image stream
oc new-app --image-stream=mypostgresql --name=mypostgresql

# as abbreviation should be fine to create a new app only with command
# where app is named as defined and the imagestream of the same name is searched for
oc new-app mypostgresql

Published Dec 18, 2017

Developer notes.