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Docker tags and registries

docker tag

As a newcomer to the world of Docker and I struggle a bit with basic concepts. Here, I would like to summarize my observation about Docker tagging and repositories.

If you build a Dockerfile (docker build .) you get a docker image. That’s identified with a hash. You can take it and start it (docker run <image_hash>) as a docker container. But using a hash hash as reference to an existing "app" is just hard. How can a human remember and differentiate them? That’s where you can name (tag) the image with command docker tag <image_hash> <tag_name>. When you do so you can start the container then with docker run <tag_name>.

There is an convention about tag name in docker which is:


The format is not compulsory but the docker client understands the convention and it’s what the commands docker pull/docker push work with.

Let’s investiage a bit on it. From right to left - we have a IMAGE_VERSION here. It’s an arbitrary string and is up to you how that looks like. You can tag an image as docker tag <hash> <tag_name>:1.0 and later with new version of your app as docker tag <hash> <tag_name>:1.1. But nobody checks or guarantees that the tag version 1.1 is somehow newer than the 1.0. There is a convention of version latest. That represents a default version which is used when you don’t define a version manually. I like this article Docker: The latest Confusion which explains that latest is not related to time but the meaning is rather default.

The IMAGE_NAME is name of your app for you being able to differentiate and refer to it.

The PROJECT and REGISTRY is used to know where this image belongs to or where it comes from. If you push or pull an image to the Docker registry you define where it is by this section of the tag definition. There is no docker command line option --registry=<REGISTRY>. The information where to push to is taken from the tag.

Docker build example

Let’s say I have here a Dockerfile with env variables definition for Centos PostgreSQL image.

FROM centos/postgresql-96-centos7


Running of docker build ., at the directory where the Dockerfile resides, provides output

Sending build context to Docker daemon 11.78 kB
Step 1/15 : FROM centos/postgresql-96-centos7
 ---> 75740e572487
Step 2/15 : ENV POSTGRESQL_DATABASE crashrec
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 3caf03ae8e7d
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 4188383000de

 Successfully built 4188383000de

I can take the image hash 4188383000de and tag it with name. docker tag 4188383000de postgresql-9.6-centos. By running docker images I can verify the assignment of the hash to the tag.

docker images
REPOSITORY               TAG       IMAGE ID        CREATED          SIZE
postgresql-9.6-centos    latest    4188383000de    9 minutes ago    337 MB
  • The listing uses terms REPOSITORY and TAG in way of I used here name and version.

  • I haven’t defined any version but the image name was assigned with the default latest.

  • As there is not defined a registry (only name a.k.a ${PROJECT}/${IMAGE_NAME}) the image is search in the predefined registres (see ADD_REGISTRY below). If found then it’s downloaded. But you can download the image manually with docker pull and then as such named image already resides in the local cache it will be taken from there.

Pushing image

The next step could be to mark the image with repository name and thus being able to push it there. My account at Docker hub is Thus my regitry name to be used for being able to push there is ochaloup.

The tag then defines registry for docker push can publish the image there.

The whole name is then

docker tag postgresql-9.6-centos
docker push
maybe login to the will be needed first: docker login -u ochaloup

Pulling image

If we want to run some image we can just run it

docker run --env POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=crashrec --env POSTGRESQL_USER=crashrec\
--env POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=crashrec centos/postgresql-96-centos7`

We can say what is the repository we want the image from explicitly

docker run --env POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=crashrec --env POSTGRESQL_USER=crashrec\

Using the is not necessary because docker searches through all predefined registries if there is such image. And the Docker hub is the default one where to search for the image.

You can see that I haven’t used any version parameter thus the default latest version was used.

Of course we could want some specific version to be run

docker run --env POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=crashrec --env POSTGRESQL_USER=crashrec\

If we don’t want to directly run the image but you want it to be downloaded to the local machine (to the docker cache), you can use docker pull command. The following output says the image was already downloaded as the docker run command was already run and it downloads first and then run the image.

docker pull centos/postgresql-96-centos7

Using default tag: latest
Trying to pull repository ...
Pulling repository
Trying to pull repository ...
sha256:88c5f8ffb934cc63f7eb819e3328c0380887c206fa6280c553a0a6385fa59e63: Pulling from
Status: Image is up to date for

I can name it as e.g. pgsl like docker tag pgsl and run it docker run pgsl …​ and I’m still starting the same image.

Docker insecure registries

The list of repositories which are check for existence of the image (if not defined explicitly) are hardcoded in docker config and can’t be changed by a parameters.

If you want to pull image with the respository defined explicitly the repository needs to be running over https. If communication goes over http then docker pull fails.

In such case you need to add permition for docker to allow it to pull from that particular insecure registry.

Insecure registries set up

Configuration with RPM package docker

On my Fedora 26 when using rpm package docker I need to edit file /etc/sysconfig/docker and add such registry to the list of OPTIONS. For example for the usage of Minishift private registry the OPTIONS parametr looks

OPTIONS='--selinux-enabled --log-driver=journald --insecure-registry'

You will need to restart docker after the change and you can pull from the non-https registry now.

Fedora 26 - registry and insecure registry patch

In case of Red Hat clone of the docker client you can use settings described in article

In short you can use ADD_REGISTRY and INSECURE_REGISTRY variables in /etc/sysconfig/docker. (ADD_REGISTRY are registries search for the image when not defined explicitly by user)

echo "ADD_REGISTRY='--add-registry'" >> /etc/sysconfig/docker
echo "INSECURE_REGISTRY='--insecure-registry'" >> /etc/sysconfig/docker

This works for me on Fedora 26 when I have installed docker package. A trouble with docker package for me came with some other images (e.g. for Oracle XE: wnameless/oracle-xe-11g where issue talks about troubles with docker package and docker-ce is needed to be used instead.

RPM docker-ce to be configured for insecure registries

Installation of docker-ce (replacing docker) is nicely introduced at guide

Now what about the registries config. I found nice description at:

The docker-ce rpm pakcage has config at /lib/systemd/system/docker.service. After installation I needed to change and add lines

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd $OPTIONS

# I have left the rest of the config file untouched
# ....

From that I redirected the configuration of the OPTIONS variable to file /etc/sysconfig/docker where I added my insecured registry just at a separate line like

be sure you define ExecStart with $OPTIONS as they are configured in the properties file but needs to be passed to the docker daemon startup

restart of the docker deamon is needed when the configuration files were changed

if you do not run daemon-reload you will get message: Warning: docker.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker
to check if insecure registries are configured correctly try docker info | grep -A 5 Insecure Registries:

Other OSes and docker registry configuration

DISCLAIMER: the following is untested

For the other OSes, you need to change probably the /etc/docker/daemon.json with

  "registry-mirrors": [""],
  "insecure-registries" :[""]

There is a follow-up article about Minishift private registry at

Published Dec 15, 2017

Developer notes.